Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Yet another reunion, yes the 4th one in a row!!

So my family went home and in the mean time Bill's awesome mom Triss, flew out to watch Rosie the rottweiler (our cute dog) so we could be at my reunion. When Bill and I came home he would go to work and Triss and I spent the week together shopping, going to lunch, and redoing one of my bathrooms! It was so fun. Have I mentioned I don't have a job? That would be why I have so much time on my hands to do such things and hey, to start a blog! So the last weekend in July Liam and Jim drove out for the Carter family reunion. We had a fun BBQ in Orem and went to the Timpanogos temple for a session on saturday. Of course I forgot my camera (I have not fully attained blogger status apparently because my camera is not in my purse 24/7 yet. Dang it.) so I don't have any pics. But are some of the re-done bathroom. The previous decor was not my doing, in fact I hated going in that bathroom it bugged me so much! It had big white and poop brown stripes on one wall, two walls were all poop brown, and the last wall was just white and there was a nasty clear shower curtain. Nothing a little Tai Pan, Hobby Lobby, Lowe's ( boo Home Depot shout out to Triss & Jim! haha!) and Bed, Bath & beyond can't beautify!

So I had no "before" pictures of the bathroom, but this is pretty close I thought. A little bit of garbage and too much plain white walls:)

These are my after pictures! I painted 3 walls a light tan and the one on the right a darker tan. Bought some accessories at Tai Pan and Hobby Lobby, towels and a cute shower curtain at Bed, Bath and Beyond and a new mirror and voila!


Steph said...

You would say POOP on your blog..hahaha're amazing. When you're here watching my kids, maybe you could decorate my house too. :)

Brittny said...

ang, your blog is soooo cute! and I love your bathroom! you did such a great job with it. I miss you tons. Now we can be blog buddies (but I am really bad at updating it). I love you!