Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The 50th Wedding Anniversary & Cabin Weekend

I LOVE fishing. Especially with my Dad. My Mom adds some comic relief and is surprisingly really good!
Cute cousins on the new crazy enormous tube

After fishing. I was slightly ticked because I got snagged for the 5th time and then fell in trying to unhook it:)
My BFFs. The proportions in this picture are a little funny. I'm well aware I'm a curvy girl, but let's be honest, my lower half looks at least 3 times as big as the 3 of us. Let's pray this was a funky angle and if it's not, just lie to me and tell me it was. Gracias.
Bill and Derek manhandling the BBQ. Touching really.

So the following weekend was a doozie. However you spell it. All the Tall side of the family came to Utah for Grandma and Grandpa Tall's 50th wedding anniversary. It was really crazy and busy because both friday and saturday night's activities were in honor of them at Cinegrill and then a big presentation Thanksgiving Point. Sunday we all got up and drove to Island Park to the cabin for the reunion. Despite Bill leaving early and my Mom coming later in the week, it was very fun. Relaxing in the cabin, games and my personal favorite, talking. There are a few people in the world I could talk to all day long and they just so happen to be at the cabin every year. It's so fun, it's almost like going on a spa retreat minus the spa. So I guess just a retreat with my girls-and one boy:)

1 comment:

Steph said...

Ok...funky angle for sure. But what I'm more concerned with is Chelsea's she ok? Seriously, it's freaking me out! Enlarge that's not ok.