Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Girl's Camp 2009! Holla!

So a week or so later after Bill's family went back to California, I got to go to Girl's Camp for the first time in 7 or 8 years. I wasn't too far behind luckily so I wasn't totally the old fogie leader, we still played the cup game for those of you Butte Meadows Alumni! But, if you know me, it's only natural that my "cup" in the cup game was my Diet Coke can. My saving grace for these 4, yes 4 days without showering, sleeping, or eating healthywas this sweet little 12 ounce can:) Actually it was on the 3rd day, when Bill came to the priesthood leader for a night, THAT was my saving grace because there were tons of bear warnings and lots of sightings and I had a hard time remembering I was a leader! Anytime the YW president would give instructions about clean up or the next activity to the group, I'd nod like, "yes ma'am" and then remember I was in charge too and turn toward the girls! Haha. It was really fun to remember how Girls Camp was something I LOVED. Soooo much.

1 comment:

Brittny said...

that's so much fun ang! I'm glad you got to go and didn't get attacked by any beasts!.. I think it's crazy that we are old enough to be the leaders now! haha