Wednesday, November 3, 2010

A record for our posterity: The World Series, Carter Style

So one of Bill's dreams came true, the Giants won the World Series for the first time in 52 years! I grew up watching the Giants with my Grandpa Jim and Uncle Scott, but wasn't a true convert till this season. I really got into it. We had so much fun watching games, playing cards and skyping with Chels & Jordan, yes I converted her too. In fact, Chels proved to be a true fan when she shed tears upon their victory:) This is how our series went:I love this picture of 2 of our favorites...Aubrey Huff & Buster Posey. ( I thought Buster's name was Buxter for at least half the season haha)
So in game 2 or so we had a little convo, Bill & I:
Me: " I really like that guy, he's solid...what's his name?"
Bill:"Ha ha ha, Edgar Renteria."
Me: " Why are you laughing?"
He said, and I quote: "He kinda sucks."
I said " Really? I dig him."
Eating your words now honey? I could've sworn he got MVP:)
Everyone did such a good job...I loved that no one was a superstar specifically, they all just played together and had individual big moments. ESPECIALLY: Cody Ross.
I love me some Brian Wilson. Somethin about this guy...I think it is that he looks like he belongs on a Harley and could kill anything in his path. Either way, he was awesome.
Love this pic too:
Just a little shout out to my bff's in Texas. This horribly made poster goes bigger than baseball...Texas is cool and all, but at the end of the day ....
I was kinda bummed that the win was in Texas and not at home, but what a welcome home party for them! So cool.
Here is how the win went down: Wilson threw his 1 st strike and Bill jumped off the couch to get ready...
Pretends he's the one pitching for good luck and to calm his nerves. No joke he had his hands on his knees doing yoga breaths to calm down...
2nd strike....
3rd strike and we won. You would've thought Bill won the lottery or got 600 miles on a single tank of gas in our Honda:

Cade got some celebratory love too...
and he was stoked. Great season, glad it's over though:) Had to post all this in case it's another 52 years.



yaaaaaaaaa! I cannot stand even reading this without getting all worked up! The last picture of cade is GAP material!!!! Also, Wilson is hot and kinda mysterious. He is one of those who just gets ya.. ha ha! P.S. in the 5th picture of Bill, it looks like the lamp is an antenna! haha I love this post. I truly am a convert fan. Thanks guys! next the WARRIORS haha:)

Brittny said...

I love it!!! Glad that you got into it too or that would have been a rough few months:)... How cute is Cade in that last picture?!! I love him!!