Monday, November 22, 2010

Playing catchup...

Halloween on a sunday goes like this for our fam:
A little Giants game
Putting on our cute spider costume from Auntie Coconuts
Exploring the trick or treaters candy bowl...we only had 3 come by our door:(
Do a little pose with Dad

We had Grandma Triss and Grandpa Jim down on Halloween weekend which made it much more fun
Grandma Shelley sent me this Halloween shirt from Montana. We miss her.

Lately Cade is into:
T.V. It doesn't matter where in the room he is, he'll turn his neck in unnatural positions to see the tube.
Yo Gabba Gabba on the joke, he would sit here all day if I let him. Look at that face.
Oh the intrigue!
Oh the suspense!
Oh the anger and upset!

And lastly, continuing with the technology obsessions, he loves the remote.

I love to watch Cade throw a kink in Bill's 30+ years way of doing things. Work, come home and get in his sweats, and watch sports. All night long. Not no mo. Cade likes to watch Bill, play with Bill and his favorite thing is to try and grab his glasses before Bill can catch him.

We started Cade on solids a little earlier than we had planned because he is NOT sleeping at night. It hasn't helped. It was a little comic relief though:) He hated it at first and then couldn't get enough:
Oh gag, sick, nast, ew...
Hmmm...that's not so bad...
I'll take it from here, thanks
oh yeah, I'll just use my hands.
Dear Cade,
Mama and dad love you to the moon and back, but scout's honor if you don't start to sleep more than an hour and a half at a time I'm gonna slip you a baby dose of unisom. Mama is loooooosing her mind.
Mom and Dad- but mostly Mom.


Lindsey Jensen said...

So funny!! Totally laughing at the food pictures, Bronson had some pretty funny ones too!! Cade is getting so big!! Hope you all are doing well and I hope the little man will give you a break soon!!

Brittny said...

Hey Ang! He is soo cute! I can't handle it. Q is having a hard time sleeping in her crib through the night and will sleep about three hours and then wake up every 1-2 hours after that:( I feel your pain. Sophie has not helped. I guess there is no object that can replace mommy. Let me know if you find something that works for you. Love you! hope it gets better soon.

Dear Cade,

Please sleep longer for your mommy and daddy. You are just so cute but I bet you'd be even cuter (if that's possible:) if you slept through the night!

Love you little guy!


Brousseau Family said...

Oh my gosh!!!! He is so grown up and adorable. I feel like time has flown and miss you terribly. Life has been crazy for me here and feel awful I haven't been social at all. Just know that I miss you awful. Cade is ADORABLE...

Katie Brousseau