Friday, October 1, 2010

Where did the time go?

This little punky is the best. Besides the middle of the night wake up calls, he's perfect. Cries only when he's tired or hungry. He is starting to yell, more like squeal like an ambulance all the time. He loves to play in his exer-saucer because he has preferred to be standing up since he was 3 months old. I don't know if he'll ever roll over or sit up because he has a rough relaionship with tummy time and spits up all over when we try sitting, but he would be happy to stand on our laps holding onto our fingers all day so maybe he'll walk first, then sit, then rollover? It's lookin like it. Cade loves Bill. When Bill is in the room he just stares at him and watches his every move and when Bill finally looks at him he giggles really loud and smiles like he is in the last pic. I think he loves the show Yo Gabba Gabba as much as he loves us. he could be in the worst mood, grumpy, tired and hungry and if I put this show on he's all grins. He is great in the car, shopping, riding in his stroller, sitting in bumbo ( the dumbo/dimbo/bimpy, Mom:) and pretty much anything on the go while getting to be involved in whatever everyone is doing...I think he got this from me. His nicknames are kinda funny...Cader, Catorade ( Holly's idea), cader-tot, peanut ( me), walnut (Ash & Chels said he was too big to be a peanut:) pooper & duder (Bill). Anyway, just a little Cade update. Basically, he rocks our world.


Janelle said...

Oh my heavens that is one cute baby!

P+B said...

haha I laughed at "catorade". He is seriously SO stinking cute, I Can't get over it.