Sunday, May 22, 2011

Our boy turns 1

Has it really been a year already? I realized I haven't done an update on my boy in a while and this is the perfect time. We were on a plane to Hawaii on Cader's actual birthday last wednesday and he was an angel. I know it's becoming cliche to write directly to your kids on blogs, but later when this is bound as a journal I want him to read how we felt directly.
Sweet baby Cade,
Wow, I'm already teary. I'm sure if you are reading this you know your Mama cries at the drop of a hat already. You are so special. You light up our lives and everybody around you. Even grumpy people put a smile on it when they see you because your joy and
dimples are just that infectious. You love to play, you are curious and you prefer ritz bits over any other food ever. You take one fantastic nap per day, any more and we pay for it royally till 11 or midnight. In fact I can hear you wakin
g up right now babbling and yelling for me. Your big baby blues are mesmerizing and your sweet face looks just like your handsome dad. In fact, I have not had a single person tell you look like me, but that's okay because you daddy is pretty good lookin. You love to watch sports on TV with our dad, especially the Giants. You love this goofy show called Yo Gabba Gabba, no joke you could watch it for hours- you did once on the way to Las Vegas last month because you were screaming and we had 3 hours left. You are constantly exploring and learning about what's around you. Sometimes I'm convinced you could babysit yourself because you concentrate on things for so long. You love the beach. You love to go on walks in the stroller. You love to talk to your cousin Vance on skype.In the last 2 weeks you have developed a nasty attitude,
(throwing stuff when you don't want it, spitting out your
food, yelling directly at us when we do something you don't like etc...)
which I'm sure you get from your Dad:) You are starting to want to walk, but I think your 99th percentile noggin is making it a little hard haha! You are so smart and your great sense of humor was obvious very early on. You have giggled and laughed for months.
Cade, you are the light of our lives and I can't wait to
see what the years bring...this first one has flown by and ha
s brought more joy than we thought possible. When you were a newborn I put here on our blog something your dad said that still rings true. He said:
" The love a parent feels is the closest you can feel to how Heavenly Father feels about us."

1 comment:

Lindsey Jensen said...

He is so cute!! Love him! Happy 1st Birthday Cade!! I love the pic of him sitting on the beach, adorable!