Thursday, March 18, 2010

A few more...

Tall family game night is no joke. We played this CRAZY game called 'Quelf'...such a weird, fun, hilarious game. My mom took a beating in the game eventually having to wear my dad's hele-skiing helmet and a straw had to stay in her mouth and resemble a scuba diver. Then she drew a card that made her play the game from under the table while holding Dallin and Beau's hands. My dad was laughing so hard he had tears streaming down his cheeks. HILARIOUS.

Chels & my scuba-mom acting out aerobics. Oh you'd have to be there-so funny. At one point I had 5 mins to make up a rap about my looks and then perform it on my next turn. Awkward. Jordan had to make a toilet flushing noise everytime someone lost their turn, Dallin had to talk like pirate, but sounded more like an Irishman the whole game, and Chelsea had to say " That's what you get Captain Poopy pants" EVERYTIME someone moved back a spot on the gameboard. There were tons of other things but it's March and this was in December, so I can't remember the funny details...oh good times.

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