Friday, March 26, 2010

Ashley's Shower

Ashley had her sweet baby Jaynie Lynn Mounteer like 6 weeks ago and I am just getting to blog the shower Daydre and I threw for was so fun... Smelling candy bar "poopy" diapers...

What Vance thought about the whole thing...

Daye my trusty side kick....she's all grown up. I remember when this girl was a little tomboy and fought girls at church basketball:) Now she's smokin' hot and has a cute boyfriend and goes to BYU. LOVE HER. She's hilarious, few people make me laugh as hard as she does.

This is the diaper cake Daye and I made...Ash still has it just like this at her house, she refuses to take it apart!

The spread...we did taco salad bar and it was soooo good.

This is me & Katie Brousseau...I nannied for her 4, yes 4, kids for most of my pregnancy and Ash helped me a lot on days I couldn't be there or vacations.

HILARIOUS. Ashley's male BFF Anders showed up and it was perfect. So funny. He had spent the afternoon trying to pick out the perfect gift for her. So sweet.

The crew


Steph said...

Cute! Wish I could have been there. Loved the diaper're so creative my friend.


I love that you are so creative and you love to throw parties for other people. This was fun! You are such a great friend!

Steph said...

Ok...boooooring. Time for an update. :)