Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Happy 4th of July!

We spent our day with our new friends, The Wetzels! They moved here from S. California to buy a dental practice which means they are PERMANENT. Yay for no military! Love my military friends, but I hate saying goodbye so often. We BBQ'd, went to Pacific Grove's little town celebration and played with sparklers...no fireworks anywhere in the county---lame. Here are some pics...oh, and on another exciting note, my sister and Vance are coming tomorrow! Wahoo! Then we're off to Utah and the cabin-FINALLY. I've been craving me some Yellowstone air, family, games, good food, fishing, boating, reading in the sun, porch sittin', and laughing till my gut hurts with some of my favorite ladies in world...
T minus 8 days...

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